Friday, June 29, 2012

Photo Friday

The photo Friday for today is "Words" but I don't have any pictures of words and I've been wanting to share the photos I took at Catawba Falls for a while now. So you'll get the Catawba Falls photos and just have to deal without photos of words. I hope you don't hate me for that. 

In the beginning of June Steven and I, and our friends Nate and Matt went to Old Fort for a weekend of riding for them and a weekend of Mountains for me. I did some riding as well but it wasn't my focus. My focus is always "Hey! I'm in the mountains!!" which you would think would get old after countless trips...but it doesn't. 

The morning of the Sunday we left, I went on a hike up to Catawba Falls with Nate while Steven and Matt rode up Kistuma. It was a nice treat to walk with Nate since he is also an avid photographer. He didn't mind me stopping to take random photos. He also helped me capture some unique ones. He had the tripod to make it happen. 

This technique may be overdone but I still think it makes photos look dreamy. This walk was dreamy unto itself. I hope to do it again someday. 

Besides my camera gear, the other essential equipment for this hike: Vibrum Fivefingers

KSO: Trek's are absolutely perfect for this type of hiking. 

Thanks for reading and stay cool this weekend!

-Liz DiNatale

Friday, June 8, 2012

Photo Friday: Grandeur

Happy Friday everyone! Today's photo is brought to you by the word "grandeur" which is a fancy word for fancy.

I'm going to use this Photo Friday challenge to use another photo from my Italy adventures. While Venice was definitely the most grandiose city that we visited, this photo actually comes from Verona. Verona is littered with fancy wrote iron. While reviews say that Verona is one of the safest towns in Italy now, it must not have been at one point because every window and every door (within reach of the street) were guarded with wrote iron fences and gates. But they weren't ugly, dismissive things. They were intricate and lovely.

And some looked like letters. Behold, the letter S. 

Isn't that just fancy-shmancy. 

I'm in the midst of writing a ranty type blog post about out Italy travels on my other blog, Awesomely Domesticated. If you'd like to hear more about our trip, click through the hyperlink and enjoy!

We're off to Asheville this weekend! Finally going to try Strada and get some good riding/mountain hiking in! Can't wait...going through serious Asheville withdrawal. 


Friday, June 1, 2012

Photo Friday: Of House and Home

Welcome back to Photo Friday! It's a nasty Friday out right now but I hope the weather at least improves. Or else my House and Home might float away. 

For this Photo Friday I thought I'd share two pictures I've taken recently. The first is from our trip to Italy and features a private Venetian house.  

I thought this home was so truly Venetian. With the bridge to the front door, the canal right there, the gondola and then the ivy was just icing on the top. I thought this house was more beautiful than most of the churches and museums I saw. Mostly because it wasn't over the top. It was beautiful in its simplicity. Less is more. 

The second photo I'd like to share, I took last night after dinner. Gunnar was fat and happy and taking his after meal snooze. This is of my house and home. Dogs laying in the most inconvenient locations. 

Eh, I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Thanks for reading and happy Friday!

-Liz DiNatale