Friday, August 12, 2011

Photo Friday: Spot

I can imagine that for most people this type of challenge word would be difficult. However, for me, there was only one choice. 

You see, we have this lizard. He's a leopard gecko. His name is Spot. Spot is an old, old lizard. Easily 16 years old (I think). And he's still going strong. So when I saw this Photo Friday challenge word, I had no choice but to photograph the lizard. I thought this would be a struggle. As lizards are usually not too keen about being out of their environment. Least of all when surrounded by dogs and a cat. Who would have thought that Spot was one of the best photo subjects I've ever had (as animals go). I swear, he moved less than most dogs. Trained dogs. AND he stared right into the lens! It was only with his patience that I was able to snag this little piece of awesome:

Behold, I give you, Spot! I think I can hear Kate Nothnagel Stone screeching from Trinidad (she's not a fan of lizards). How can you not love that face?! Look at him! He's poised! He's ready! He's going to kick some chess ASS! Aha...I die. Good, Spot.

While I was at it, taking photos of Spot, I figured I'd snap a few new ones of the fury type. And since I'm already here, writing this post, I might as well share them, right? Right. 

Last but not least, the queen of the house:

Now you know why the first thing we bought as a couple was a Dyson (after the house...of course). If only we could teach the dogs how to vacuum.

I hope you all enjoyed my little fur-kid (and lizard-kid?!) photo session. This next week's challenge word is Gold. I'm at a loss, any suggestions?

Thanks for reading!

Liz DiNatale

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Nate, Veronica and Baby P

This past weekend Chrissy and I went to Marbles Kid's Museum with Nate and Veronica and had a blast! It was really yucky outside so we were glad to have chosen an indoor location. We got to play in a pirate ship, play a little soccer, shoot some balls in a big hoop to fill up the pig, bob and sway on the big bridge and play chess with HUGE chess pieces. Yes...I enjoyed myself. More importantly, Nate and Veronica (and even Baby P...he was kicking and moving all over the place) enjoyed themselves.

I love how sincere Nate and Veronica are grinning in this photo. They both look so happy and so excited to become parents.

It wasn't all fun and games though. If there's one thing Nate and Veronica share, it's their competitive spirit. Do you remember those fitness tests you did in middle school? In particular, the stretch test? Well, they had one at Marbles and although it was an unfair match, I think Nate won. 

At least no one held a grudge. 

There is so much to do in Marbles that we got a little distracted. I think we even lost Nate at one point. At about the end of our photo shoot the museum was becoming crowded. We were lucky enough to find an unoccupied reading room to snap a couple of the more serious photos.

We really enjoyed spending the morning with Nate and Veronica and having a blast in Marbles. We are looking forward to meeting Baby P and maybe if our track record holds true, that might happen sooner than later! I'll leave you with one last photo: the gratuitous itty bitty baby shoe photo. 

**swoon** Little things are so cute. 

Thanks for reading! This Photo Friday challenge word is "Spot" so I'm going to try and convince our Leopard Gecko, named Spot, to do a photo shoot for me. Stay tuned for the results!

Liz DiNatale