Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ashley Sonday - Bridals

You know the ride at Disney World, "It's a Small World"? Yeah I hate that ride too but the saying can't be more true. Somehow two very separate parts of my life collided when my former roommate, Will Mitchell, met a girl who I went to high school with but never really knew. Even when I first met Ashley through Will, it never really clicked. But then at their engagement party, I got to talking with one of her bridesmaids and found out that SHE had gone to school with me too! She and Ashley were in the class of 02 at Green Hope High School, I was the class of 03. Then, like a wave of consciousness, I remembered Ashley! It's a small friggin world. (I promptly went home and looked her up in my year books). 

I was never sure who Will would end up with. I'd known him for years, living with us in two different houses, working at several different jobs and moving to three different states; he was a nomad and everyone knew it. Somehow North Carolina claimed him and as luck would have it, he met Ashley. She's already polished off a few of his rough edges and perhaps he has scuffed up a few of hers. They balance each other out wonderfully and make a beautiful team. Who could ask for more. 

Onto the point...I'm slightly in love with weddings. Can you tell? I love being a part of them. I love seeing a bride all done up and all a flutter with excitement. I love seeing a groom nervous as hell but deliriously happy. I love the opulence of a gorgeous dress. Which is why when my friends are getting married and I hear they're not getting  bridal portraits from their photographer, I ask if they'd mind modeling their dress for me for my portfolio. It gives me a chance to add pictures to my website and to practice my craft. It gives them a chance to wear that gorgeous dress on a day filled with much less stress and truly enjoy it. And it's downright fun! 

Some of my friends haven't gone for it and that's too bad but luckily it didn't take much convincing to get Ashley to agree to a free bridal portrait session. She left the venue option up to me and I choose The State Club on NC State's centennial campus. It's a gorgeous building that lent itself very well to a bridal portrait session. This building is complete with a massive room with polished marble floors, a grand piano, a grand staircase, lovely leather chairs and sofas, a massive chandelier and floor to ceiling windows. Perfect. 

I wish I could show you all of the gorgeous photos we captured that day but I don't want to ruin the surprise for Ashley's guests and most of all, Will. Ashley and I did agree on one photo that I could publish today. A lovely silhouette with just a hint of things to come. 

Ashley makes a beautiful bride. Will is gonna cry.

Liz DiNatale

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